Klem Frame Shop relocates to The Vine in Jasper.

The Klem Frame Shop is now located at The Vine (1280 Vine Street) in Jasper, IN.  

There's plenty of room for groups to gather to socialize, take a class, etc.  Fiber Friends meets here on the second Saturday of each month.  Nevertheless, custom framing is still the focus of the shop.  These amazing original bluepri…

There's plenty of room for groups to gather to socialize, take a class, etc.  Fiber Friends meets here on the second Saturday of each month.  Nevertheless, custom framing is still the focus of the shop.  These amazing original blueprints look terrific.  Special handling for original blueprints is to keep them out of the sun since they were created by a heat based process.  The lines, etc. would just disappear when heated.  


I have a new addiction - Dyeing yarn and roving!

Gorgeous colors! began with a previously dyed ball of yarn.  It had been dyed at the Winter Wooly Weekend in 2015.  While the color was pretty it was a bit pale for my taste, so I decided to overdye the yarn and I love the result.  First I had to find a pot to dye in so I checked at The Ferdinand Antique Emporium where I fortunately found a charming white enamel pot with red trim.  Bonus!  I filled the pot 2/3 full with water and two tablespoons of vinegar, brought it to a simmer and added the cake of yarn that I had previously soaked in water.  It was almost too much for the water in the pot, but worked okay.  Then I tucked a couple pellets of Easter Egg dye (graciously given to me by Julia S.) into the center of the yarn cake and dropped a couple of other pellets on the outside of the cake.  Whew!  At first both my husband and I thought it was going to be really, really dark, but I figured that I was in a win/win situation since I didn't care for the original color.  Keeping the low simmer going for about 30-45 minutes (and peeking every once in a while because I'm not a patient person!), I found that the water surrounding the cake was a pale blue.  Well, I figured that was good enough for me, so I turned off the heat and let the yarn sit to absorb as much dye as it would.  After a couple hours, I squeezed lightly and transferred the yarn to a small empty container to continue to cool.  Of course, I checked it the first thing this morning!  I pulled a bit of the center pull yarn out and was delighted to find it was a lovely dark green color.  Winding the dyed yarn onto the Niddy Noddy was a delight for the color senses.  I love the colors and the way they ease into the next color.  It's in a skein and drying on a hanger now.  Initial intention was to make some colorful socks with this yarn, but I believe I have changed my mind and will knit a cowl in order to show off the gorgeous colors.

Cake of yarn in the dye pot.

Cake of yarn in the dye pot.

This is the center of the cake.  Love the color!

This is the center of the cake.  Love the color!

I can hardly wait to knit something with this to see how the colors fall.

I can hardly wait to knit something with this to see how the colors fall.

10 Days Till Winter Wooly Weekend

The countdown to Winter Wooly Weekend has begun.  We have a few surprises for the goodie bag still arriving - a couple are a surprise for us, too!  We'll begin welcoming people at 4:30 at the front door of Kordes Enrichment Center.  


4:30     Registration begins – pick up your goodie bag, check out your room, meet up with                                  friends, shop at attending vendors (3 Bags Full, Good For Ewe, Serendipity Fibers), etc.  Turn in your micro-preemie hat & bootie sets and register your guess as to the number of hats in the container.
 5:30-7:30  dinner is being catered by Ruthie at Harvest Moon this year.  It will be a treat!

7:30    Welcome.  Get acquainted with fellow attendees, work on projects, participate in Show & Tell, check out the spinners, etc.  Drinks and snacks will be available throughout the weekend, but if you prefer soft drinks, please note that the Kordes Center does not have a soft drink machine.  You’re welcome to bring your own favorite and put them in the coolers at the beginning of the serving line. Some participants have been known to bring wine/beer and I think that’s okay as long as we don’t get too flagrant about the consumption.  Too bad the Benedict’s Brew  micro-brewery isn’t open.  We’ll try to put a tour on next year’s agenda.  If you have a specific snack you like, please bring that along too, but be prepared to share.

12 Midnight – Exterior Doors are locked at this time


5:30    Exterior Doors are Unlocked.

7:30    The YMCA will conduct an easy exercise session exclusively for our group.  This will be held in the Kordes dining area.

8:00    Breakfast will be prepared by one of the chefs from Kordes.

9:00-12:00     Lace Cowl class to be taught by Paige Sylvester.  You’ll become familiar with a variety of techniques while knitting this cowl specially designed for Winter Wooly Weekend. 

10:00    Patti will conduct a “pull-out” class for those who are beginning knitters.  After the first hour in Paige’s lace class, anyone who would like to work on different cast on and bind off techniques is welcome to join Patti.

10:00-4:00 Additional Vendors (Shirley’s Sewing Stuff, Flatwood Farms, StressAway -  
                   Kris’ hand massage, French Ridge Candles & Soaps, French Ridge Pottery)                  will be opening their booths in the back room if you wish to slip out for a                   break!

12:00     Lunch will be served – prepared by the chef at Kordes

1:00     Presentation by Darlene Fischer, RN, Grief Support Coordinator on the Deaconess Preemie Bereavement Program.
    During this time we will be donating the preemie hats, booties, and blankets to the Deaconess program.  A prize for the person who guessed closest to the number of hats in the container will be awarded.

2:00 – 5:30  During this time you may rotate through several activities.  1.  The yarn painting class led by Paige (approximately 12+ per class), 2. The “Poke a Critter” felting class where you’ll needle felt a penguin (approximately 12 + per class),
    3. hand massages for a small fee, 4. Vendor shopping  (available till 4:00.), 5. Chat with friends, 6. Knit on a project, 7. Etc.

5:30    Dinner – prepared by the chef at Kordes

After Dinner – Please fill out your evaluation sheets sometime this evening.

        Large Raffle – shoot your dart at the board to determine your prize.  
                There’s one for each of you!

        Pom Pom Making – Sally will be giving demonstrations to small groups 
            throughout the evening. 

        Patti will be glad to work with knitters to solve knitting problems; others     
            Will be glad to help also!

        Chat with friends old and new, work on a jigsaw puzzle, knit on a project,
            Have a snack or a drink, etc.


8:00    Breakfast in the Kordes dining room

9:00-?    Paige will be providing additional opportunities to paint blank yarn at a charge of $20 per hank.  Please note that you will need to take your painted yarn home in a wet state.  

9:00    While I’m sure everyone will need time to pack up, please consider joining your fellow knitters in the dining room area/sitting area for a knitting session.  Last year several of the group hung around for a couple hours just talking and knitting.   It was a lovely time. 

10:30    For those who are interested in attending Mass in the Monastery Immaculate Conception’s Chapel, mass will be held at 10:30

12:00 Noon – please take time to fill out the evaluation sheets; we hope to improve Winter Wooly Weekend every year.  Tell us what you like and what you didn’t like, give us suggestions for activities or classes you would like to experience, etc.

As you’re packing your things this morning, please take a few extra minutes to take the sheets and pillowcase off the bed.  Please place these in the linen cart you’ll find in the hallway.  The blanket (from the closet) and bedcover can be left on the bed.  

Have a safe trip home!  Mark your calendars for next year’s Winter Wooly Weekend, February 5, 6 & 7th.  Thank you so much for joining us for Winter Wooly Weekend 2015.  We loved having you with us.

Doris, Patti and Sally